In Your Face Vocals (Ft. Nolly & Periphery)

In Your Face Vocals (Ft. Nolly & Periphery)

| By Thomas Brett |  Introduction: Although a lot of rock and metal engineers tend to approach vocals as kind of an afterthought to the drums and guitars, they’re actually the most likely thing to catch a listener’s attention and get them hooked the song! Periphery’s Spencer Sotelo The bottom line is… Unless you’re working on some kind of obscure …

Top-Down Mixing (Ft. Emmure)

| By Thomas Brett |  Introduction: Sick of the individual instruments in your mixes not gelling together properly?!? Tired of your drums losing all of their punch during mastering?!? Ever wish that there was a quicker, more efficient way of getting your mixes from “raw and boring” to “polished and exciting”?!? Sounds like you need some Top-Down Mixing in your …

Mixing one of the best drummers in metal [ft August Burns Red]

This man is a straight up BEAST! Shells, rooms, mics, heads… all of that stuff definitely matters, but when it comes to drum sounds, the biggest factor is and always will be one thing: the player. There’s simply no substitute for a great player laying down a great performance – all the samples and editing in the world can’t replicate …