Nobody cares about your gear! [ The Career Builder Show ]

Don’t make the #1 marketing mistake!

If you’re building a website, portfolio or figuring out how to promote yourself and your studio, please PLEASE do not lead with your gear list!

The fact of the matter is that nobody really cares about your gear– what they care about is YOU! They want to know that they can trust you as a valuable partner in the creative process, that you will help them bring their art to life. They may not be able to tell you this, but it’s ultimately what clients care about in their heart (even if they don’t know it).

Nobody cares about your gear! [ The Career Builder Show ]

The fact of the matter is that nobody really cares about your studio’s gear– what they care about is YOU! They want to know that they can trust you as a valuable partner in the creative process, that you will help them bring their art to life.

A couple things to think about:

  • You want clients to come to you because of your SOUND, not your gear collection! So you want to lead with that front and center… if they fall in love with your sound, they’ll care much less about how you get there.
  • You can’t own every piece of gear in the world, nor should you want to. So ultimately, playing the gear game is a losing battle because someone will always be able to say, “Yeah, but you don’t have [insert obscure piece of gear].”
  • Yes, you will encounter some artists who care about gear… but do you really think they know what they’re talking about when it comes to gear? And if they don’t know what they’re talk about, why would you try to please them knowing that they’re poorly informed?
  • And lastly, yes, you will sometimes find a band that cares about gear AND knows what they’re talking about. So just rent some time at a nice studio that has all the gear you need! You don’t need to own it all yourself.

And just to be clear, this isn’t us yelling at you and scolding you about what your website looks like– the point is that we want you to understand and believe that YOU are the most valuable part of your studio, not a microphone or compressor or guitar amp 

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Gojira, Meshuggah, Machine Head, A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon. Join now for instant access!

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