EP 231 | Devin Townsend

Devin Townsend is a legendary musician, songwriter, and producer who has worked with Lamb Of God, Misery Signals, Gwar among others. He is rightfully considered one of the most innovative, groundbreaking and influential artists in his self created and ever evolving category of music, and we’re very stoked to have him on the podcast.

Devin is as thoughtful and articulate as he is talented, so this one is a fantastic episode that covers a ton of ground: how to know when it’s time to move on to a new project, what it’s like to have people pressuring you to take a stand on an issue, and why it’s oftentimes difficult but always necessary to come to terms with who you are as a creator.

[smart_track_player url=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season4/May2019/URMPC231-DevinTownsend.mp3″ title=”EP 231 | Devin Townsend” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_podcastImages_231_DevinTownsend_SQUARE.jpg” background=”default” social_email=”true” ]

“I think I was aware throughout my career that if I had ever gotten really successful, like on a Nickelback type level,  I just didn’t have the mental fortitude to handle it.” – Devin Townsend


4:49 – How Devin organizes all the projects and ideas he wants to work on

6:00 – The times when he knew it was time to quit a project

17:24 – Why so many fans get upset when bands try new things, and how artists deal with the fans’ expectations

28:14 – Devin getting pushback on playing a show in Israel and what he learned from it

34:37 – Why we are oftentimes overly focused on our immediate, short-term happiness

36:23 – How you can change the idea of who you are and what role anger plays in culture

50:29 – The role that art and music play in society, and the changing role of creators

54:13 – How being an intellectual is acceptable now and how podcasts like Joe Rogan’s have contributed to it

1:00:20 – How Devin deals with the oftentimes intense experience of being on the receiving end of fan and industry attention

1:11:51 – What happens when bands try to go for the commercial record or people try to be something they’re not

1:14:26 – Devin’s work with Chad Kroeger from Nickelback

1:27:22 – Why the path to finding your calling in life is rarely straight, and how to navigate it

1:35:02 – Whether or not Devin ever thinks about actually retiring



Thanks for listening! Please leave us a review on iTunes!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Meshuggah, Gojira, Machine Head, and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.


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EP 230 | MixCritMonday At The Gates / The Haunted Edition


On today’s episode we crit URM student submitted mixes for At The Gates’ “The Chasm” and The Haunted’s “Preacher of Death.” These mixes are picked at random from our private, student-only mix crit group on Facebook, The Rocktagon.

[smart_track_player url=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season4/May2019/URMPC230-MCMMay.mp3″ title=”EP 230 | MixCritMonday with/ At The Gates and The Haunted” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_podcastImages_230_MCMAtTheGates_SQUARE.jpg” background=”default” social_email=”true” ]


5:15 – Why having a lot of noise on your mix isn’t a great idea and why not every instrument needs to be loud

11:57 – The wrong kind of click sound on kick and finding the right balance for your guitars

21:57 – The drums can make a mix sound like a totally different song if they aren’t consistent with the sound of the band. Why getting the atmosphere right is crucial

27:00 – Not screwing up the good guitar tones that you have to work with

30:32 – How the bass can make the rest of the mix sound small and narrow

34:31 – Being able to hear the excessive noise before, during, and after the song and how clipping distortion makes it a rough listen


Thanks for listening! Please leave us a review on iTunes!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Meshuggah, Gojira, Machine Head, and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.


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EP 229 | Bryan Von Reuter

Bryan Von Reuter is a forensic media examiner who works as a court-appointed expert on both state and federal cases, often focusing on technical analysis of audio files to establish the identity of a speaker, source of a sound, and so forth.

We spend so much time on this podcast focusing on people who work with audio for music that we sometimes forget that there’s a wide world of non-music related audio careers. Even if you don’t fit the producer mold, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a future in audio. We’re excited to have Bryan on to discover more about forensic audio analysis and how it’s used: what tools and techniques he relies on, how he works with criminal defense attorneys, what is an isn’t acceptable in a court of law, and of course, how these techniques could cross over into music work. 

If you love the technical episodes then you won’t want to miss out on this one because it goes deep!

[smart_track_player url=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season4/May2019/URMPC229-BryanVonReuter.mp3″ title=”EP 229 | Bryan Von Reuter” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_podcastImages_229_BryanVonReuter_SQUARE.jpg” background=”default” social_email=”true” ]

“There’s, to some extent, this vow of poverty that happens when you want to truly follow the path to make a creative life that involves self-prescribing and making art and music for yourself. Sometimes that’s incredibly culturally salient,  and then sometimes it totally diminishes the joy when you start involving other people with it or sharing it with the world.” – Bryan Von Reuter


3:04 – How Bryan’s work in audio is radically different from most other guests on the podcast

5:10 – What led Bryan to working with criminal defense attorneys and how he turned it into a career

8:02 – What a typical day looks like for Bryan and what his clients ask from him

17:40 – How audio files can be used for malignant purposes

21:27 – How accurate is the forensic audio in movies and TV shows?

27:30 – How Bryan processes the fact that someone’s freedom may hinge on his work

38:14 – What the general public doesn’t understand about court cases (and why it’s important to protect 4th amendment rights)

44:43 – Why Bryan chose not to become a professional musicians (and how he realized his music was more for himself than others)

1:00:45 – The specific moment that audio forensics come into Bryan’s life

1:06:06 – The mental shift that helped Bryan turn his early “dead end job” into opportunity

1:16:34 – How to find what truly fulfills you, what your value us, and how to connect those things

1:22:08 – The unique characteristics of the 60 cycle hum

1:32:02 – Why you should invest time in learning the spectrogram

1:40:52 – How Bryan identifies crucial sounds like footsteps in poor recordings

1:49:20 – The process Bryan uses to turn unintelligible recordings into something useful

1:55:25 – How to confirm who is yelling on a recording (even if you can’t see them)

1:57:20 – Is there a real life process like the ones on TV where they enhance background audio to get a location?

1:59:20 – What to study in order to get into forensic analysis, and what makes for an especially difficult cleanup project

2:06:27 – The processing that could make an audio clip inadmissible in court

2:08:12 – How possible is it to forge an audio recording?

2:12:20 – How does someone build a sustainable career in forensic analysis


Thanks for listening! Please leave us a review on iTunes!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Meshuggah, Gojira, Machine Head, and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.


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EP 228 | Blasko

Blasko is the bassist for Ozzy Osbourne, former bassist for Rob Zombie, and manages prominent artists such as Andy Black and Zakk Wylde.

Very few people have the chance to ever experience their dreams come true, let alone sustain those dreams for an entire career. That type of success doesn’t happen by accident. Only through a sustained habit of great decision making, a network of influential strategic alliances, calculated risk taking, next level intuition, an unstoppable work ethic, and a little bit of luck can anyone even hope to have the chance to play the game at it’s higher levels. It’s rare to get the chance to pick the brain of someone who’s made it happen, to that degree.

That’s why we’re thrilled to have Blasko back on the podcast. He’s been in the upper echelon of this business for decades and it really shines through in this episode.We discuss what it takes to make the most out of every single opportunity. Whether you succeed or fail at something, with the right mindset (and skillset) anything can be reframed to your advantage.  You’ll want to soak up everything he says, because it doesn’t just apply to touring, it applies to anything you want to do with your creative career. 

[smart_track_player url=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season4/May2019/URMPC228-Blasko.mp3″ title=”EP 228 | Blasko” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_podcastImages_228_Blasko_SQUARE.jpg” background=”default” social_email=”true” ]

“Your network is your net worth. In this business there is no truer statement. There’s no truer reality.” – Blasko


1:51 – Why good managers show up on day 1 of a tour and what Blasko expects to be going right or wrong from the outset

6:11 – How Blasko’s experience as a musician informs his management decisions

8:47 – Red flags

14:31 – Having to tip out a percentage of merch sales to the venue

16:58 – Blasko’s early days as a bartender and when he got the Rob Zombie gig

19:18 – Nepotism in music

24:29 – What Blasko does with the 23 hours that he’s not on stage

30:31 – The fear of getting old with no plan

32:26 – What the Ozzy Osbourne gig was like for Blasko when he first got it

37:16 – How smarter musicians makes things better for Blasko as a manager

43:04 –  Optimizing everything when it comes to your career

46:13 – How a musician’s love for playing their instrument will make them feel more successful

50:23 – The advantage of a musician owning their personal brand and how Zakk Wylde has accomplished that


Blasko on the internet:

Blasko’s Instagram (click here if you love cats)


Thanks for listening! Please leave us a review on iTunes!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Meshuggah, Gojira, Machine Head, and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.


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EP193 | Brody Uttley Of Rivers Of Nihil

On the show this time we’ve got Brody Uttley of Rivers of Nihil to talk music discovery, elements common to successful bands, and not being in the dark about your band’s viability.

Rivers of Nihil has been absolutely killing it, and the various elements that have led to that success have not gone unnoticed by Brody. There’s a lot of great information in here – not just for musicians, but all audio professionals, and anyone looking to build a successful career – to keep in mind.

[smart_track_player url=”https://media.blubrry.com/urmpodcast/s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season4/may2018/URMPC193-BrodyUttley.mp3″ title=”EP193 | Brody Uttley Of Rivers Of Nihil” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_customPodcast_standard_15.jpg” background=”default” social_email=”true” ]

Just having good dudes in your band that aren’t fucking weirdos will take your band way further than you’d think.” – Brody Uttley


9:00 Being aware of your own band’s health and lifespan
17:00 The importance of honest, open relationships in bands/label/manager relationships
20:00 Why every band needs one or two people who can function like ‘normal’ people in social situations and are business savvy
36:00 The process of discovering new music, implications for bands, Spotify playlists
50:00 The vinyl resurgence and importance of owning physical objects
57:00 The psychology of not responding to texts, online vs real-life interaction
1:00:00 The self-recording musician and the future of studio professionals
And much, much more


Rivers of Nihil on Facebook
Rivers of Nihil on Instagram
Rivers of Nihil on Twitter
Brody on Instagram
Brody on Facebook

Thanks for listening!
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Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Meshuggah, Gojira, Machine Head, and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.

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