ARCHSPIRE “shotgun vocals” effect w/ Dave Otero

Literal shotgun vocals

Last month we had Dave Otero mix “Remote Tumor Seeker” by Archspire– and if you’re familiar with these guys you know that their vocals are absolutely inhuman.


Dave Otero shows how he adds a literal shotgun blast to the intro of “Calamus Will Animate” by Archspire to add over the top drama.

But you can never be TOO extreme right?? So Dave Otero uses this trick to make the vocals even more insane…

Click here to instant access to these multi-tracks and Dave’s full mixing session!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Gojira, Meshuggah, Lamb Of God, A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon. Join now for instant access!

DANCE GAVIN DANCE vocal reverb tutorial

Size matters

Last month we had Kris Crummett mix “Young Robot” by Dance Gavin Dance, with the highlight of that stunning session being the brilliant vocals– Tilian Pearson is one of the very best in the genre.

DANCE GAVIN DANCE vocal reverb tutorial w/ Kris Crummett

Kris Crummett shows how he dials in reverb on “Young Robot” by Dance Gavin Dance. He uses the Valhalla Vintage Verb plugin, Soundtoys effect Rack and Pro Tools but the concept will apply to any DAW and any reverb plugin.

Working with an incredible performance like that is actually harder than it seems! The challenge lies in adding size, depth and dimension without drowning it in processing that takes the life out of it. Watch how Kris tackles it…

Click here to instant access to these multi-tracks and Kris’ full mixing session!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Gojira, Meshuggah, Lamb Of God, A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon. Join now for instant access!

Mixing LAMB OF GOD vocals w/ Machine The Producer

Decapitator on everything? Why not!

Learn how Machine uses Soundtoys Decapitator to add thickness and presence to Randy Blythe’s vocals in “Redneck” by Lamb Of God by strategically adding some distortion to the lower mids.

Mixing LAMB OF GOD vocals with Decapitator ft Machine The Producer

Learn how Machine uses Soundtoys Decapitator to add thickness and presence to Randy Blythe’s vocals in “Redneck” by Lamb Of God by strategically adding some distortion to the lower mids. He uses the Soundtoys Decapitator plugin (which is amazing and awesome), but if you don’t have it you can create a similar effect using any distortion or saturation plugin on a parallel bus with some EQ.

He uses the Soundtoys Decapitator plugin (which is amazing and awesome), but if you don’t have it you can create a similar effect using any distortion or saturation plugin on a parallel bus with some EQ.

Want more? Click here to get instant access to Lamb Of God multi-tracks and Machine’s full mix session!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Gojira, Meshuggah, Machine Head, A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon. Join now for instant access!

Advanced mic position tips w/ Mary Zimmer

Remember, you’re recording a human being…

In this clip from her brand new Fast Track, metal vocal coach Mary Zimmer of Voice Hacks shows some powerful tips for recording vocals that come down to simply adjusting the position of  the mic relative to the vocalist– super simple, but super effective!

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Metal vocal coach Mary Zimmer of Voice Hacks shows some powerful tips for recording metal vocals. These simple techniques will help you get the most out of any metal vocalist just by adjusting the microphone placement during tracking.

Because remember, you’re micing a human not a guitar cabinet! The most important part of any vocal session is getting the best possible performance- and these simple tips can make a night and day difference.

This video is just one small part of our “Vocal Production For Non Vocalists” Fast Track with Mary Zimmer, which is available in our URM Enhanced program.

Get instant access to Mary’s full Fast Track when you join URM Enhanced!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Gojira, Meshuggah, Machine Head, A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon. Join now for instant access!

Mixing massive vocal harmonies w/ Kane Churko + Gemini Syndrome

65 vocal tracks?!

Kane Churko shows how he approaches high track-count vocal harmonies using the raw multi-tracks for “You Are Not Alone” by Gemini Syndrome, which has literally dozens of layers of vocals and nails that huge, polished radio rock vocal sound.

Mixing huge rock vocal harmonies w/ Kane Churko and Gemini Syndrome

Learn how to mix rock vocal harmonies when you have huge track counts with layer upon layer. Kane Churko shows how he approaches it using the raw multi-tracks for “You Are Not Alone” by Gemini Syndrome and Aaron Nordstrom’s vocals.

A few things to note about his approach in this clip:

  • His goal isn’t to make it sound like dozens of tracks. It’s just to make the vocals sound thick, dense and in your face
  • He mostly reserves quad stacking for thicker parts like the pre-chorus and chorus (lead, double, left and right)
  • He uses Pro Tools with Slate FG-73, Sonnox Oxford EQ, and Eiosis E2 Deesser, but the same techniques will work with any DAW and similar plugins

Try it out in your next mix when you’re dealing with massive track counts and let us know what you think!

Get instant access to the Gemini Syndrome multi-tracks Kane Churko’s full mixing session here.

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Gojira, Meshuggah, Machine Head, A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon. Join now for instant access!