EP80 | Billy Decker

EP80 | Billy Decker

Nashville mixing legend Billy Decker is here to provide insight into what it takes to mix #1 singles consistently and at a breakneck pace.

Pouring over your mix for hours on end in order to get that snare hit at 2:47 into that song just right? You could do that. You’ll probably end up doing it with 100 other things before you finish that mix though. Billy Decker is here to talk about a better way to work. We’re not sure if all the producers in Nashville have it down to this much of a science, but Billy certainly has some amazing ideas that you need to pay attention to.

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You find a good balance, and all of a sudden you’re happier. You get better at engineering because you keep that passion for it, and all of a sudden the money starts rolling in.” – Billy Decker


– Why you should learn to get great results fast
– The value of templates
– What it’s like to work as a mixer in Nashville
– The importance of customer service
– Incorporating elements from multiple genres
– Chris Lord Alge’s opinion of L2
– How to price your mixes
– Moving to where the work is
– Using “Top Of Mind” strategy to grow your studio
– Staged compression
– And much, much more


Billy’s Website

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Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

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