EP17 | Ola Englund

EP17 | Ola Englund

“I’m always trying to up my game.” -Ola Englund

In the modern music industry musicians and engineers must learn to wear multiple hats in order to succeed. You might have to balance your time as a guitarist, songwriter, mixer, videographer, and blogger just to make ends meet. That’s the new normal.

In this episode Ola Englund (The Haunted, Feared, Ex-Six Feet Under) talks about his guitar playing, techniques, studio experience, and how he accomplished a breakout success with his YouTube channel.

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“If you make good content, the infrastructure is there for you to get your name out.” – Ola Englund

  • Tips for developing your ears
  • How to dial amp sims for consistency
  • Ola’s sweet spot for micing cabs
  • The importance of video in an oversaturated market
  • How Ola Englund started in YouTube
  • OE’s stance on cheaper series guitars vs small company boutiques.
  • Ola’s practice/warm-up routine or lack thereof



Ernie Ball
Ola Englund
Ola England – YouTube
Feared – Facebook
The Haunted – Facebook
Torpedo Reload Booster

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