EP28 | Jamie King

On this episode of the podcast, we meet up with Jamie King (Between the Buried and Me, Scale the Summit, Wretched) and share studio experiences.

Jamie King teaches you critical conflict resolution and tips for handling large projects. You will also learn how King stayed relevant by making the jump as digital recording became the industry’s direction. Hear firsthand accounts of an individual discovering what works and what doesn’t through trial and error.

[smart_track_player url=”https://media.blubrry.com/urmpodcast/s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season1/September2015/URMPC028-JamieKing.mp3″ title=”EP28 | Jamie King” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_customPodcast_standard_10.jpg” social_email=”true” ]

I like a record to sound like a band on their very best day.” – Jamie King


– Dealing with internal band disputes
– Managing sessions rich with layers
– The pros and cons of a “trial and error” approach
– Utilizing the drummer to drive a performance
– And much, much more


The Basement Recording NC

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Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.

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EP27 | Mixcritmonday With Tiago Carvalho

We just love hearing about success stories. Can’t get enough. We felt we had to share how far one of our students has come. This month’s #Mixcritmonday, we talk with longtime subscriber Tiago Carvalho and check on his evolution as a producer/mixer.

Tiago gives you a walkthrough of the process he went through to build his studio effectively on a budget. We then talk about how Tiago has gone from a production hopeful to having international clients like Sony beating down his doors.

[smart_track_player url=”http://media.blubrry.com/urmpodcast/s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season1/september2015/URMPC027-TiagoCarvalho.mp3″ title=”EP27 | #Mixcritmonday With Tiago Carvalho” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_customPodcast_standard_08.jpg” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_email=”true” ]

S*** going in – s*** going out or gold going in – platinum going out” -Tiago Carvalho


– Just how crucial the little details matter to the end result
– Tiago’s ability to craft DIY remedies
– Choosing the right Ozone algorithm to avoid clipping
– Cost effective, high quality acoustic treatment
– Ways to ensure your vocals aren’t “stuck in the past”
– What it’s like to work for major labels
– Automating Slate FG-X


Tiago’s studio
GIK Acoustics

Thanks for listening!
Sign up to our [cp_modal id=”cp_id_7934d”]mailing list[/cp_modal] to discover more!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.

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EP26 | Taylor Larson

Producer Taylor Larson joins us for his first recorded interview ever! You guys asked for Taylor, and we delivered.

You will discover the methods Taylor uses to achieve great drum tones, covering mic preference, preamps, drum heads, and special techniques he uses per element of the kit. Larson also reveals his favorite preamps and compressors that help him reach that 3D sound in his mixes, as well as first choices for guitar and bass production.

[smart_track_player url=”http://media.blubrry.com/urmpodcast/s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season1/september2015/URMPC026-TaylorLarson.mp3″ title=”EP26 | Taylor Larson” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_customPodcast_standard_15.jpg” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_email=”true” ]

I have learned the fastest in the past couple years by being wrong at everything” – Taylor Larson


– What Taylor Larson looks for in guitar tones
– How Taylor captures explosive, three dimensional sounding drum tones.
– Insight on his workflow and tracking process
– What Taylor does and doesn’t compress
– His favorite preamps and microphone choices for drums
– Secrets to getting a huge snare sound

Thanks for listening!
Sign up to our [cp_modal id=”cp_id_7934d”]mailing list[/cp_modal] to discover more!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.

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EP25 | Ben Umanov of The Blast Beat Network

Ben Umanov is a co-founder and co-editor in chief of MetalSucks.net and founder of the Blast Beat Network of heavy metal websites. He’s worked in the music industry for the past decade at a booking agency, independent label, major label, recording studio and management firm.

The great Charlie Munger once said that “The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward the undeserving.” You can’t fail or succeed if you don’t try. And that’s what this episode is all about: execution.

[smart_track_player url=”http://media.blubrry.com/urmpodcast/s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season1/september2015/URMPC025-BenUmanov.mp3″ title=”EP25 | Ben Umanov of The Blast Beat Network” image=” https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_customPodcast_standard_07.jpg” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_email=”true” ]

“You should always assume that you’re going to have to do something the hard way.” – Finn McKenty

In This Episode:
  • How Ben quit his day job to live his dreams
  • The importance of brand awareness
  • Realistic expectations when taking career risks
  • How Eyal got his own band signed to Roadrunner Records
  • Networking tips for noobs
  • Why long bios are stupid
  • And more

The Blast Beat Network
Gear Gods
The Laugh Network

Thanks for listening!
Sign up to our [cp_modal id=”cp_id_7934d”]mailing list[/cp_modal] to discover more!

Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

Leave any questions, comments, or feedback in the comment section below.

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