How to make a Joey Sturgis-style SNARE BOMB in Cubase

Boom goes the dynamite!

Joey Sturgis shows you how to make a massive, cinematic snare bomb that’s perfect for transitions, buildups and anywhere else your arrangement could use some dynamics!

Post-production tricks like this can be a great way to take your mixes over the top and turn the from good to great — it’s all about adding that extra layer of polish and movement. But like anything else, it can definitely be a case of “too much of a good thing.” Use this (and other tricks like sub drops or reverse cymbals) with care… if you put them on every measure it won’t feel special anymore.

How to make a Joey Sturgis-style SNARE BOMB in Cubase

Joey Sturgis shows you how to make a massive, cinematic snare bomb that’s perfect for transitions, buildups and anywhere else your arrangement could use some dynamics! He uses Cubase, Roomworks reverb, the Cubase default compressor, JST Clip and a little subtractive EQ, but the same idea will work with any DAW and stock plugins.

He uses Cubase, Roomworks reverb, the Cubase default compressor, JST Clip and a little subtractive EQ, but the same idea will work with any DAW and stock plugins.

Don’t get hung up on these specific plugins or these specific settings– instead, think about the CONCEPT and find your own way of implementing it in your mixes.

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