Mixing Machine Head Quad Tracked Guitars

Mixing MACHINE HEAD Quad Guitars

If you’ve ever tried quad-tracking your guitars, you know that they present some challenges. No matter how tightly you track them, you’ll always be dealing with some phase issues in addition to the challenge of keeping their thickness and depth.

In this clip from our September 2016 Nail The Mix session featuring the Machine Head song “Is There Anybody Out There,” Joel discusses the pros and cons of quad guitars and works to balance them against the bass and drums. Note that if you’re hearing some nastiness in the cymbals, that gets EQ’d out later.

This entire session (including the full mixing class and the multi-tracks) is available exclusively to Nail The Mix members.

Mixing MACHINE HEAD quad-tracked guitars on Nail The Mix

In this clip from NAIL THE MIX, Joel Wanasek works with quad-tracked guitars in a Machine Head session, using some smart EQ moves and a little limiting to balance them against the bass and drums while retaining the thickness and depth of the guitars.


Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

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