EP58 | Adam Ayan

EP58 | Adam Ayan

On this episode, with Adam Ayan (Paul McCartney, Katy Perry): demystifying the final sonic footprint of recorded music that is mastering.

This discussion is jammed full of so much amazing information about mastering. Whether you’re looking to get into mastering yourself, an engineer, mixer, or producer that wants to be informed about what a mastering engineer is going to be doing with their part of the process, or an artist that would just like to know what goes into your songs coming out sounding polished on the other end of the process you’re going walk away from this episode with a whole new perspective.

[smart_track_player url=”https://media.blubrry.com/urmpodcast/s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/season2/may2016/URMPC058-AdamAyan.mp3″ title=”EP58 | Adam Ayan” image=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/urmpublicpodcast/Images/square+covers/URM_customPodcast_standard_08.jpg” background=”default” social_email=”true” ]

I think that every recording has a loudness potential and a window where loudness works. If you push it too far, you get outside of that window. If you don’t push it far enough, you get outside of that window on the other side, which is where compression works.” – Adam Ayan


– Why some pros take interns and others don’t
– Navigating sonic options and making decisions
– Adam’s favorite mastering tools
– Applying a “fake master” during a mix
– The many different paths for audio education
– And much, much more


Moulton Labs – Golden Ears 

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