URM Podcast Standard EP01

EP1 | Food For Success (In Audio Production)

What does it take to be successful in audio production?

Ask anyone who’s made it and there IS a formula.

Here it is:
1. Ambition
2. Vision
3. Execution
4. Determination
5. Luck
6. Timing

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This episode covers how all six of those factors come into play over the course of a career in audio production, and what YOU can do to harness them.

“Successful people get shit done. Period.”  – Joey Sturgis

“My motto has always been the phrase  ‘follow the money’ and what I mean by it isn’t necessarily ‘follow the money’ but more to sit down and think about what you want to do, what is it that they’re doing that you’re not doing, and then use that and model that behavior, because if you shoot for the highest pinnacle of whatever you’re trying to do, in terms of your profession it will force you to raise the bar. It will allow you to grow rapidly and even outshine who ever you’re competing with because they entered so much lower than you.”- Joel Wanasek

“In order to get from point A to point B, saying that your point B is quite ambitious, you have to make some very precise and I would even say, planned out moves.” – Eyal Levi


Eyal Levi’s CreativeLIVE courses

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Nail The MixNail The Mix is our online mixing school that gives you REAL multi-tracks from REAL bands, plus a mixing class from the producer who recorded it. Past guests include Periphery, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head and State Champs. Join now for instant access!

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One thought on “EP1 | Food For Success (In Audio Production)”

  1. Awesome show guys! I wanted to comment about ambition. I think the ambition switch isn’t something you can really control. I think its controlled by what you are deeply passionate about subconsciously. I also think those passions are deeply encoded by the experiences you have when growing up (and possibly to a lesser extent when older). For those that might not have that innate passion, its probable that you likely aren’t as passionate about that “thing” as you think you are. This might be different for everyone, but I really think ambition will manifest itself when you find something you WANT to do over everything else.

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